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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Staff Spotlight Lori, Wetaskiwin Parts Technician

As a kid growing up on a farm in the Bashaw area, Lori couldn't wait to move to the city and wanted nothing to do with rural life. But here she is years later - settled on an acreage outside of Wetaskiwin immersed in agriculture everyday as a Parts Technician.

But she couldn't be happier, as she loves helping customers and finding solutions to their parts needs - “The customers are friendly faces, as they are also my neighbours and are a pleasure to work with.”

When asked what a typical day looks like in the Wetaskiwin Parts Department Lori replied, “There's no such thing as a “typical day”. Each one brings new challenges with different break-downs. But I never dread coming to work. We all get along so well here, and you can hear laughter in the store all day.”

A good work environment is important to Lori and she noted the fantastic management at the Wetaskiwin store that make it a great place to work. As for her advice to new employees joining the team, she said “Listen to the other staff, take advice and don't be afraid to ask questions.”

Five days a week you will find Lori greeting customers from behind the parts counter with a smiling face and in the evenings you will find her mowing her lawn! When she can that is, between rain showers this year, but due to all of the rain she said it's taking up all her free time just keeping it cut! Lori also has a daughter and although their plans to head to BC this summer for a short vacation to visit family have changed due to Covid, they are enjoying their summer at home.

Thanks Lori for choosing a career in the agriculture industry and for bringing a whole bunch of energy and an upbeat attitude to work everyday!

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