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Friday, October 16, 2020

Navigating Unprecedented Times: Quail Hollow Club

When Covid-19 hit, businesses across the board were forced to pivot and re-think their operations. This included the team at Quail Hollow Club in Charlotte, North Carolina. Course Superintendent Shane Omann and Director of Greens and Grounds Keith Wood were both forced to alternate working from home to avoid redundancies in their schedules. When one managed the turf team on the course, the other worked remotely behind the scenes. That way if one of them happened to get sick, the team would still be able to keep going.

Working from home is certainly far from the norm for a course Superintendent. By integrating the John Deere ProGator GPS PrecisionSprayer into their course operations, one of them was able to work on the course while the other was able to work remotely while monitoring the unit through the John Deere Operations Centre.

Check out the link below for the full story on how the team at Quail Hollow Club navigated these unprecedented times safely with the help of the John Deere ProGator GPS PrecisionSprayer.


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