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Friday, August 13, 2021

Prepping for the Solheim Cup at Inverness Club

Preparations for the Solheim Cup are in full swing at Inverness Club. Even at the beginning of the calendar year, club Superintendent John Zimmers and the team weren't too sure what was going to happen. They were hopeful that things would be on-track to host the event without any restrictions and they continue to be hopeful as the event gets closer.

Tournament prep is well underway as corporate tents and stands are being constructed right now. “It definitely helps if you've been through something like this before. Its kind of like the circus is coming to town and can be pretty chaotic,” said Zimmerman.

The Solheim Cup is a very exciting event for the LPGA and quite a different experience for golf. Rather than a “Quiet” sign being held up, fans are encouraged to support each country and make some noise.

The Solheim Cup will be played August 31 - September 6 in Toledo, Ohio.

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